Apple iPhone 6s Plus cannot download or update apps [Potential Solutions and Tricks]


This post addresses a problem on the #Apple iPhone 6s Plus (#iPhone6sPlus), in which the user is unable to download or update apps on the phone. Learn what causes this problem to occur on your #iPhone and how to fix it.


Apps make smartphones real smart devices. Having more interesting apps is one way of making the best out of a hefty smartphone like the iPhone 6s Plus. Given the wide range of applications available from the App Store, all you need is simply pick which apps suit your needs. But what happens if your phone won’t allow you to download new apps or update the existing ones? The same problem was relayed to us by one of our readers, saying:

“I am unable to download any updates to apps on my phone.  I have about 11 and none of them will update. Please help!”

Possible Causes

There are several factors that can hinder apps update or download on your iPhone. These include but not limited to the following:

  • App Store outage – it could be a scheduled maintenance or update to the App Store system
  • Network or connectivity problems – network service interruptions that hinder access to the Apple server
  • Phone settings restrictions – enabled settings on the iPhone that restricts download or update to certain apps

Potential Solutions and Workarounds

Be sure to test your device after completing each of the subsequent steps to see if the problem is fixed. Proceed to the next method, if necessary.

These are recommended methods to troubleshoot and fix issue on apps download or update with the iPhone 6s Plus based on the possible causes:

Step 1. Power cycle or reboot your iPhone. A simple restart often helps in resolving software-related issues including system glitches affecting apps downloads and updates on your iPhone. So if you haven’t done it yet, I strongly suggest rebooting your iPhone and retry downloading or updating apps afterwards.

Step 2. Verify date and time settings are properly configured or set automatically. Incorrect date and time setting on the phone is also one factor that disallows apps download or update processes. The time and date on your iPhone should coincide with that of the server for proper syncing.

To verify your iPhone’s date and time are correct, head on to your phone Settings->General->Date and Time-> if necessary, select ‘Automatically’ from the given options.

Step 3. Update or download apps through iTunes. Instead of doing the usual way of updating apps from your iPhone (via Wi-Fi), you may try using iTunes to update the same apps or download other new apps you want.

Step 4. Sign out and in again to App Store. Signing out and back in to the App Store can also help resolve similar issues. Follow these steps to sign out and back in to your App Store account:

  1. Open the App Store on your iPhone.
  2. Go to Settings.
  3. Click iTunes and App Store.
  4. Tap on your Apple ID.
  5. Sign out.
  6. Go back to the App Store and sign in again.

Step 5. Disconnect and reconnect Wi-Fi. If you are performing apps update or download directly through your iPhone using wireless connectivity, try to disconnect from and reconnect to your wireless network. As I’ve mentioned earlier, network problems can also be the culprit. Toggling the Wi-Fi network off or on often helps rectify issues like this.

Step 6. Ensure your iPhone is running the latest firmware version. Update to the latest iOS version available for your device if needed. Apple recommends keeping your iPhone’s firmware (iOS) updated to ensure your device is at its best performance. Firmware updates also contain bug fixes including issues on apps download and update.

Step 7. Reset All Settings on your iPhone. Verify and adjust restrictions on your iPhone. Your iPhone also integrates a security feature called Restrictions, where users can set restrictions or limits to certain apps actions including apps purchases and downloads.

To access this option, go to Settings-> General-> Restrictions. If Restrictions feature is turned on, try to look into the Apps and contents that are allowed or restricted and make some necessary changes. To ensure this is not causing your trouble, try to disable this feature on your iPhone and see what happens after that.

Step 8. Wait a bit and try to update or download your apps again at a later time. One of the possible reasons as to why you cannot download or update apps is an outage. Probably, the App Store is going through some regular maintenance or system updates, resulting to service interruptions like this. It is also inevitable for the App Store server to become overloaded with requests, considering the number of users attempting to access the server. This is why sometimes your download or install would take longer than you expect it to finish.

User-suggested Workarounds and Tricks

  • Try tapping the app you want to update or download. Doing so will change its status from Waiting to Paused. To resume the installation process, tap the app again. Make sure you don’t have any paused downloads in other apps like the iTunes Store.
  • Another trick is to open the App Store. Once you’re in the App Store screen, locate the Updates icon/tab at the bottom of the screen, and then hit that tab 10 times. Doing this will reset the App Store. After hitting the Updates tab 10 times, quickly tap Update on an app before they all switch to Open. You may need to do this several times but once the first update began you would be able to tap the option to Update All.

Important Notes:

  • The App screen may go blank for a few seconds before the App Store resets after tapping the Updates tab 10 times.
  • You can also tap any of the other tab bar items on the App Store, 10 times. Among these items include Favorites, Top Charts, Explore, and Search.

The aforesaid trick will clear the App Store cache on your iPhone. Corrupt cached files can trigger an application to act weird, as manifested by apps download or update problems on the App Store. That said, clearing cache on the App Store app is also recommended.

Engage with Us

If you have other problems and concerns with your iPhone 6s Plus or other iOS device, you may reach our support team for further assistance. Just visit our Troubleshooting Page and fill up this form with the necessary information. Be sure to provide us with the most important details of the problem your iOS device, as they will help us with our diagnosis. Problem solutions and recommendations will be made available through our next postings, so be sure to visit our Troubleshooting Pages and see if your issue has already been listed in the problems we’ve addressed.

5 thoughts on “Apple iPhone 6s Plus cannot download or update apps [Potential Solutions and Tricks]”

  1. MTV IPhone 6 Plus will not let me do the latest software update. I have tried and it won’t let me at least 25 times! Help!!?!

  2. When I’m trying to update or download a app it won’t let me use my bank details and there is money in the account why is this happening how can I fix it

  3. Step 3. Update or download apps through iTunes <– now apple DELETE the app button from iTunes
    GOOD ONE, now how am i gonna buy new app or update it??

    Please HELPPPPP

  4. I AM unable to download a DOWNLOADS apps the new apps where it’s easy to download music movie etc… need help!!!!

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