iPhone 6 loses battery power fast, shuts down on its own, other power issues


Here’s another reference for those looking for answers to their #iPhone6 power issues. We hope you’ll find this post helpful.

If you are looking for solutions to your own #iOS issue, you can contact us by using the link provided at the bottom of this page.

When describing your issue, please be as detailed as possible so we can easily pinpoint a relevant solution. If you can, kindly include the exact error messages you are getting to give us an idea where to start. If you have already tried some troubleshooting steps before emailing us, make sure to mention them so we can skip them in our answers.

Below are specific topics we’re bringing for you today:

Problem 1: iPhone 6 loses battery power fast, shuts down on its own

Hi, It’s almost for a month now, I’m having problems with my iPhone. When I am online watching a video, on Facebook, playing a game etc. my mobile suddenly shuts down. Sometimes it first reaches 1% battery. other times it may shut down on 85 % or 78 % etc; even when it was 100%, and I’ve been doing something online for only a few minutes it shuts down.

When I put it on charge and turn it on immediately the battery is immediately on 70 or 80 %. I’ve registered some cases with percentages of battery (if needed). Even when my mobile is offline (wifi turned off) and I scroll offline on facebook, this happens. An automobile repair shop (not an official iPhone shop) has advised me to place the iPhone on airplane mode and to check if it’s a battery problem or not. So with airplane mode on, one time the battery lowers 7 % in one hour, at evening it lowers one percent an hour. I also tried with the airplane mode off, wifi off, the battery then lowers approximately 4% to 14% an hour.

Note: I’ve already turned off some things which lowers battery faster, for example fetch mail manually, no background app refresh, no tracing of location etc. I really hope iKream can help me solve this problem. Looking forward to a reply. — Saskia Chote

Solution: Hi Saskia. Looks like your phone’s battery may have lost significant capacity to hold a charge. A normally working battery should not drain power as fast as you describe in your case. This means that there may not be a software fix for you. Before sending the phone in to Apple, we suggest that you recalibrate the battery and see what happens.

  1. Drain the battery completely. This means using your device until it powers down by its own. Keep your device off for about an hour. However, do this only if you won’t be using your iPhone for a several hours.
  2. After keeping your iPhone powered off for a while, put it on charge. Be sure to use original charging equipment for your iPhone and let it charge up completely. Do not unplug your device for at least two more hours and also don’t use it while charging.
  3. After the elapsed time, unplug your device.
  4. Perform a warm restart by holding the Power and Home buttons simultaneously until the Apple logo appears.
  5. Use your iPhone until it completely ran out of power again and repeat the cycle (fully discharge, fully recharge and reboot) once more. Doing so will help you get the most accurate battery life readings.

Should nothing happen after you’ve recalibrated the battery, do a full restore. This should ensure that the phone runs the latest iOS software.

  1. Create a backup of your files. You can do that in a number of ways but the fastest and most effective way is by using iTunes in your PC or Mac. If you don’t want to create a backup at all, you can simply erase everything on the phone by following the steps in this link.
  2. Connect your iPhone to your computer with the cable that came with your phone.
  3. We assume you remember your phone’s passcode so simply enter it when you’re prompted for it.
  4. Select your iPhone once iTunes asks you for the specific device.
  5. Once you’re in the Summary panel or screen, select the option that will restore your device (Restore).
  6. Confirm by clicking on Restore button.
  7. Wait for a few moments while iTunes restores your device to its factory settings. It may also take some time if iTunes will need to install an updated operating system version.
  8. After this factory reset, all software settings should be restored to their defaults.

If both procedures won’t fix the battery drain issue, contact Apple or bring the device to an independent service center.

Problem 2: Unable to recover data from iPhone 6 with a broken motherboard

My nephew passed away July 5, 2016. My nephew has a iPhone 6 plus and he was riding his speedbike and he fell really hard and scraped the phone really bad. I’m trying to save the pictures on the phone. He had a tempered glass screen protector on the phone and his glass was shattered. And the motherboard was kind of bent. I changed the LCD Digitizer and the housing of the phone. i even bought a new battery too. But when i plugged the charger in it doesn’t work or turn on. I believe there was a red color line between the power button and volume button. I think that the phone was in contact with some liquid but i don’t know how much liquid. So please I’m trying to save all the picture that was in the phone. So please if there is any way you can help save the picture from the phone o would really appreciate it so much. — Paula Soun

Solution: Hi Paula. Access to contents of an iPhone’s storage device is only possible if the motherboard works fine and the screen turns on normally to allow a user permissions. If these two are not met, there’s no way to recover files.

The flash memory of an iPhone 6 is tied to the motherboard so if the board dies, so are the files in the memory chip. Let a more experienced user check if the motherboard is still working. If it does, all you have to do is to replace the screen with a good working one. If you can’t find someone who can check the status of the main board, let a professional do it for you.

Problem 3: iPhone 6 won’t restart, stuck in boot loop

Hi. My phone suddenly switched off on me when I was on an app and for some reason, has troubles restarting afterwards. It would try to access the screen but some lines would keep appearing then it would constantly restart over and over again. However, it would never reach the main screen and pressing the home/lock button together does not seem to work. Since it cannot reach the main screen, it can’t really connect to iTunes so I have a problem restoring it. — Nurhuda

Solution: Hi Nurhuda. There’s only one step that you can try right now — restore the phone via DFU mode. If the phone still fails to turn on to DFU mode, there may be a hardware issue behind the trouble. If you dropped the phone, had it physically impacted or exposed to water, we would recommend that you skip recovery via DFU mode. It won’t help you at all. Hardware issue can’t be fixed by a software tweak.

Below are the steps on how to do full recovery via DFU or Device Firmware Upgrade mode:

  1. In your computer, close all active apps.
  2. Open iTunes.
  3. Turn off your iPhone. If you can’t turn it off normally, let the battery drain to 0% so the phone powers down on its own. Charge the phone for at least an hour without attempting to turn it on.
  4. Connect your iPhone to the computer via USB cable.
  5. Press and hold the Power button for at least 3 seconds.
  6. Press and hold the Volume Down button on the left side of the iPhone while continuing to hold the Power Be sure to hold both Power and Volume Down keys for 10 seconds. If Apple logo appears at this time, repeat steps 5 and 6. Apple logo should not show at all.
  7. Continue to hold Volume Down key for another 5 seconds. If the Plug into iTunes screen is displayed, repeat steps 5-7. Plug into iTunes screen should not show up.
  8. You’ll know that your phone is in DFU mode if the screen remains black. Your computer should then tell you that iTunes has detected an iPhone.
  9. Follow the on-screen steps in your computer to do a full recovery.

Problem 4: iPhone 6 touchscreen not working after screen replacement

I received water damage. I cleaned out the phone and it was working. The only thing that would not work was the touch screen. It would light up and everything. I was told it was the digitizer so I bought an LCD screen and digitizer. I plugged everything but the touch screen is still not working. Maybe I connected something wrong. Any thoughts on what could be causing the issue after having replaced the digitizer? — Jessicaannbrown93

Solution: Hi Jessicaannbrown93. Unlike the iPhone 7, your phone does not have water resistance protection so even a tiny amount of moisture in the main board can lead to all sorts of trouble. If you are positive that the replacement LCD and digitizer are 100% (not damaged in transit or during installation), the most likely problem may be a bad flex cable (unless there’s a part in the motherboard that’s damaged causing it). Open the phone again, take everything apart, and make sure that all connectors/flex cables are well connected. The digitizer cable can easily be ripped apart if you’re not careful, so be sure to check it. Even a tiny rip in the cable can cause total or partial touch sensitivity issues. If needed, try using an entirely new set of flex cables.


Engage with us

If you happen to have a problem with your own iPhone, let us know about it and we will do our best to post them and their solutions  in our upcoming articles. You can use this link to contact us for assistance. We can’t guarantee an answer to every question but rest assured that we will exhaust everything on our end to help you.

Be as detailed as possible when describing your problem to help us diagnose your issue easily. If you can include error messages, popups, attempted troubleshooting steps, and circumstances leading to the problem, that would be very helpful.

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