How To Reset iPhone Camera


The iPhone camera is an essential feature that allows users to capture moments and create memories. It offers a wide range of functionalities and settings that users can adjust according to the user’s preferences. However, there may be instances when the iPhone camera malfunctions or experiences issues, which may require resetting the camera settings to resolve them. This article provides an in-depth guide on how to reset iPhone camera settings and troubleshoot common camera-related problems.

Can I Reset iPhone Camera Settings Only?

Although it would be convenient to reset only the iPhone’s camera settings without affecting other configurations on the device, resetting individual settings is not possible. When you reset all the basic settings on an iPhone, it will impact the camera and other applications as well.

How to Reset iPhone Camera Settings

To fix any problems with your iPhone’s camera, you can try resetting all of its settings. Resetting does not delete your data; instead, it only changes some apps’ setup. Keep in mind that when facing camera issues on your iPhone, it’s crucial to check for any liquid in connector before proceeding with the reset process.

Resetting Through General Settings

To reset your iPhone’s camera settings through general settings, follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. Go to your iPhone’s Settings.
  2. Navigate to “General” and tap on it.
  3. Scroll down until you find “Reset & Transfer” and tap on this option.
  4. Here, you will see “Reset All Settings.” Tap on it and wait for a few seconds until your iPhone restarts.
  5. After restarting your device, open the Camera app and then check if the issue has been resolved.

Effects of Resetting Camera Settings

When you choose “Reset All Settings,” all of your iPhone’s settings are restored to their default configurations. For example, if you enabled grid lines in your Camera app prior to resetting, they would be disabled after implementing the Reset.

It is important to note that resetting will not delete personal data or media on your device. Instead, various settings such as Apple Pay cards, privacy settings, home screen layout, location settings, and keyboard dictionary are affected by this action.

Advanced Camera Settings for Better Photos

Adjusting advanced camera settings can help you take better-quality photos. Here are some of the camera settings and functionalities that contribute to professional-looking images:

Prioritize Faster Shooting

The “Faster Shooting” feature allows users to take multiple pictures quickly by tapping the shutter button with ease. The faster shooting functionality is useful in some scenarios, but inexperienced iPhone users might find it challenging when trying to capture high-quality images at rapid speed.

By default, the prioritize faster shooting setting is enabled on your iPhone. You can manually disable it by following these steps:

  1. From your iPhone’s home screen, open the “Settings” app.
  2. Scroll down and tap on “Camera.”
  3. Find the “Prioritize Faster Shooting” option and toggle it off.

Scene Detection

Scene Detection enables your iPhone’s camera to automatically detect and analyze the scene you want to photograph. In addition, it applies a tailored look to enhance the overall image quality based on what the iPhone perceives as suitable for a specific scene. Some users may find this feature difficult to manage without prior experience using similar functionalities.

By default, Scene Detection is enabled in your iPhone’s camera settings. To turn it off, follow these steps:

  1. Open your iPhone’s Settings.
  2. Navigate to “Camera.”
  3. Locate the “Scene Detection” option and toggle it off.

Lens Correction

Lens Correction adjusts photos taken with an ultra-wide or front-facing camera, delivering more natural-looking images that appear less distorted or skewed, which is a feature that’s enabled by default in your iPhone camera settings. To disable it, perform the following actions:

  1. Open your device’s Settings.
  2. Tap on “Camera.”
  3. Find and turn off “Lens Correction.”

Troubleshooting Camera Issues

Identifying and resolving issues related to the Camera app or the images it generates can help optimize the iPhone’s camera functionality. By resetting the camera settings, you will restore default settings and clear any temporary data, improving overall camera performance and image quality.

Dealing with Camera App Problems

If your iPhone’s camera fails to load properly, you might experience a black screen. In this situation, force close the Camera app by using the home button, then swipe up on the app’s interface to close it. After waiting for a few moments, re-open the Camera app and see if this resolves the issue.

If you are using a third-party camera app, consider switching back to Apple’s default Camera app instead. Moreover, when trying to access the camera through other apps like Instagram or Snapchat, ensure that you’ve granted permission for these apps to use your device’s camera features.

Switching Between Front and Rear Cameras

If your iPhone’s camera displays a black screen while taking pictures or recording videos, try alternating between the front-facing and rear-facing cameras. Open your Camera app and tap on the icon at the top of the screen that allows you to switch between these two cameras. Wait a few moments before switching back to your original choice—if done correctly, this process should fix any issues related to black screens on your device’s camera.

Restart Your iPhone

Minor software glitches on an iPhone can sometimes affect its performance or cause specific functions like its camera to malfunction. If this is the case for your device, restart your iPhone by holding down the side lock button until you see a slider appear on its screen labeled “Power Off.”

Turn Off Voice-Over

The Voice-Over feature can sometimes interfere with an iPhone’s camera functionality—disabling it might resolve issues related to unresponsive cameras or unexpected behavior while using certain applications. To turn off Voice-Over:

  1. Open Settings from your iPhone’s home screen.
  2. Navigate to General, then tap on Accessibility.
  3. Locate the VoiceOver tab and toggle the switch off.

Update the iOS System

A black camera screen can stem from software bugs due to outdated iOS versions installed on your iPhone. Ensure that your device’s operating system is up to date by completing the following steps:

  1. Open Settings from your iPhone’s home screen, then navigate to General.
  2. Tap on Software Update.
  3. Select “Update & Download” if an update is available, followed by “Install Now.”

If your camera still doesn’t work after updating your iPhone’s software, continue trying the alternative methods outlined in this article.

Reset Your iPhone

One of the most effective ways to fix an unresponsive or malfunctioning iPhone camera is a complete factory reset. To reset your iPhone, perform the following actions:

  1. Open Settings on your iPhone.
  2. Navigate to General, then tap on Reset.
  3. Press “Reset All Settings,” then confirm this action by tapping on the button again when prompted.

Your iPhone will be restored to its default settings, which should resolve its camera-related issues.


iPhone users often rely heavily on their devices’ cameras for capturing memories and creative content. Therefore, knowing how to reset an iPhone’s camera settings and troubleshoot common issues is essential for optimizing the overall experience of using these devices. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can maintain top-notch functionality for your iPhone’s camera while enjoying high-quality photos and videos at the same time.


  1. Will resetting my iPhone’s camera settings delete any of my photos or videos?

    No, resetting your iPhone’s camera settings will not delete personal data, including photos or videos. This process only restores some applications’ default setup and configurations, including the Camera app.

  2. Can I reset specific settings within the iPhone’s camera app, such as exposure or gridlines?

    Unfortunately, you cannot reset individual settings within the Camera app itself. The only option is to reset all basic settings on your iPhone, which affects configurations in the Camera app and other applications.

  3. After resetting my iPhone’s camera settings, will I need to reconfigure other apps too?

    Yes, when you reset all basic settings on your iPhone, various other applications may revert to their factory defaults. These affected settings include privacy settings, home screen layout, and location services.

  4. How can I tell if my iPhone’s camera issues are due to a hardware problem rather than a software issue?

    Suppose you’ve tried all the troubleshooting methods explained in this article (such as restarting your device, updating its software, and disabling Voice-Over), and your camera still doesn’t work. In that case, the issue may be a hardware problem rather than a software glitch. Therefore, having your device checked by an authorized technician or contact Apple Support for assistance is recommended.

  5. Are there other tips to improve my photos after resetting my iPhone’s camera settings?

    After resetting your iPhone’s camera settings and resolving any issues stemming from improper configurations or glitches, consider experimenting with different features available within the Camera app— scene detection, lens correction, and faster shooting options can help optimize your device for better photo quality. Additionally, practice good photography basics such as proper composition and lighting conditions to enhance the overall quality of your images.

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