The #Apple #iPhone7Plus is last years flagship model that introduced several key improvements to the iPhone. One of the first things that you will immediately notice is that the device sports a dual rear camera design. Both cameras have a 12MP sensor with the first camera primarily used for wide angle shots while the second camera has a 2X optical zoom feature. Although this is a solid phone that performs quite well there are instances when certain issues can occur which we will be addressing today. In this latest installment of our troubleshooting series we will tackle the iPhone 7 Plus not charging unless phone is restarted issue & other related problems.

iPhone 7 Plus Not Charging Unless Phone Is Restarted and Other related problems
Problem: When trying to recharge my iphone 7plus at any battery level that is remaining in the phone, it will not charge unless I restart with the right side button and volume down button.The phone at times continues on the charger until there is no charge left in the phone.The only way that I can get it to recharge is to cold boot the phone. I am thinking that I have a firmware issue. This issue started with upgrades to ios 11. I am now running ios 11.1 with the same issue. I Hope that I have provided enough information to help resolve mine and everyone else’s issues
Solution: The first thing that you need to do in this case is to insulate the charger that you are using in case this is what’s causing the problem. Try using a different charger then check if the issue still occurs. If it does then the next step is to check if a software glitch is causing this issue. You will have to backup your phone data then restore your phone as a new device. Once this is done check if the issue still occurs.
If the above steps fails to fix the problem then you will need to bring the phone to a service center and have it checked as this is most likely a hardware related problem already.
iPhone 7 Plus No Signal
Problem: Good day, My iPhone 7 plus suddenly loses signal it went from 4 bars to No service all of a sudden. I am living in Quezon City Philippines, this issue started last October 28, 2017 at around 11 AM. I went to the province of Bulacan upon reaching the province it suddenly went to No service , I tried restarting the phone, remove and re-insert the sim card, tried the airplane mode and all but nothing happened. So when I got to my boyfriend’s house I told him that I had lose signal that’s why I cannot reply to his messages. I ask him about his signal status coz we have the same phone but he do have full bars of signal. I tried to remove my sim and insert it to his phone and I got a signal so I tried to put his sim into my phone and he don’t get a signal. Why is that? I have called Apple Support’s attention and reported the issue. They instructed me of the procedures in trying to fix the No service issue. I tried re-setting the network, restoring my phone but nothing happened. When I got back from Manila it do had a signal but when I go to Bulacan I get No service. Please help me.
Solution: It appear that the problem could be caused by a faulty antenna or TX/RX chip. You should have this checked at the service center.
iPhone 7 Plus Overheating
Problem: I am having a big problem with my iPhone overheating; it has been going on for 6 months or so. I have read all of the tips for handling the problem: – I immediately remove the case and allow the phone to cool down. – I have gone through my apps in an effort to determine if one or more could be the culprit, – I have tried a ‘soft reset, but I have discovered that I must use the ‘volume down button’ and power button. – I am now updating the iPhone again and hope it will fix the problem; however, I just completed the Update and the phone is warm in the upper corner below the camera I am also having issues with battery life, getting adequate volume when listening to books (which is frequent) and I have started to get more frequent freezing screens – or difficulty opening my organizing folders. Any additional ideas?
Solution: Try checking if any of your apps need to be updated and update them accordingly. If all of your apps are updated and the issue still persists then I suggest that you backup your phone data then restore the phone as a new device. Once this is done do not install any apps in your phone yet. Try checking first if the issue still occurs. If it does then you will need to bring your phone to a service center and have it checked.