How To Fix iPhone 6s Plus Facebook App Not Working On iOS 13


Facebook has by far upheld its reputation of being one of the most popular and widely used social media platforms on both Android and iOS devices. In fact, almost all smartphone owners have this app installed on their respective devices. Furthermore, checking on their Facebook pages and news feeds has already become a habit for many. Having said that, many people would also feel bad if something goes wrong and Facebook app would just stop working on their phones. Nevertheless, problems like this are inevitable, especially among Internet-based applications like Facebook. Tackled in this post is a relevant issue on the iPhone 6s Plus Facebook app that suddenly stops working after the iOS 13 update installation. If you’re one of the affected users, then you can refer to the outlined procedures below. Read on to learn how to fix your iPhone 6s Plus Facebook app that’s not working in iOS 13.

Fix iPhone 6s Plus Facebook App Not Working On iOS 13

Before you start troubleshooting, check your internet connection and make sure your device isn’t experiencing any connectivity issues such as slow internet browsing, intermittent connection, or no internet connection at all. Facebook is an online application and therefore requires a stable internet connection to work properly on your device. If there’s no problem with the internet, check the current status of Facebook server. For as long as the Facebook server is not having temporary issues or downtimes, carrying out any of the following procedures will likely address the problem. To check if the Facebook server is down, you can browse through the downdetector website for real-time outage updates. If there’s no problem with Facebook, then the underlying cause is more likely from within your iPhone system or post-update in-app glitches. You can now proceed and begin to troubleshoot.

First solution: Force close then restart Facebook app on your iPhone

If you’ve left Facebook app open or running in the background during the update, there’s a higher chance that it ended up being corrupted. As a result, the app couldn’t get to load up unless it’s restarted. This is when you should force close Facebook then restart it. Here’s how:

  1. Double-press the Home button to pull up the Apps Switcher or Multitasking screen. This contains the previews/cards of all app you’ve recently used and left open on your phone.
  2. Tap and drag the Facebook app card/preview to the top-corner of the screen to close the application.

If you see any other background apps, follow the same method to close them all so that none of them would cause conflicts to the Facebook app, the next time it’s launched.

Second solution: Soft reset to fix your iPhone 6s Plus Facebook app that’s not working in iOS 13

Minor software glitches that stopped Facebook from working in iOS 13 can easily be taken care of by a soft reset. If you haven’t already, follow these steps to soft reset your iPhone 6s Plus:

  1. Press and hold down the Side (Power) button for a few seconds until the Slide To Power Off appears.
  2. Drag the slider to the right to power off your device completely.
  3. After 30 seconds, press and hold down the Side (Power) button again until the Apple logo appears.

Allow your phone to finish rebooting and then retry launching the app again to see if it’s already working.

Third solution: Installing pending updates for Facebook and other apps

Apps that aren’t up to date are also prone to encounter different errors following a major system installation. If you haven’t configured your third-party apps, particularly Facebook to auto-update, chances are that it missed some critical updates to acclimatize the iOS 13 changes. In this case, manually installing pending app updates on your iPhone is recommended. Here’s how it’s done:

  1. From the Home screen, tap on the App Store icon to open the application.
  2. Tap on Today tab at the bottom. 
  3. Then tap on the user profile icon (Apple ID header) on the top right corner of the screen. You should see the account details. 
  4. Scroll down to the Available Updates section. 
  5. Tap on Update next to the Facebook app to install pending update for the app. 
  6. If multiple app updates are available, tap on Update All to update all apps at once.

When all apps are finished updating, reboot your iPhone to save and apply the new software changes. Then open Facebook app again to see if the problem is gone.

Fourth solution: Uninstall then reinstall Facebook on your iPhone

The app might have been totally corrupted from the recent update and therefore needs to be reinstalled. This means the need to delete the application first. Just follow these steps:

  1. Long-press on the Facebook app icon from your Home screen.
  2. Stop pressing on the icon when the context menu appears.
  3. Tap the option to Rearrange Apps. Doing so will get you to the jiggle mode, where the familiar X buttons appears on the top-left corner of each app icon.
  4. Tap on the X button on the Facebook app icon.
  5. Then tap the red Delete button to confirm that you want to delete the app.

After deleting the application, restart your iPhone to clear memory cache and then search and download the latest version of Facebook app from the App Store. Here’s how:

  1. Tap to open the App Store app from your Home screen.
  2. Browse the App Store by tapping on Apps at the bottom.
  3. Scroll then tap the desired category. You can also tap Search to search for apps by name.
  4. Tap to select the app (Facebook) that you want to download.
  5. Tap GET to continue.
  6. Then tap INSTALL to begin app installation.
  7. If prompted, enter your App Store credentials (Apple ID and password) to confirm app download and installation request.
  8. Sign into the iTunes Store if prompted to complete the installation.

Follow the rest of the onscreen prompts to finish installing the application. When the installation is complete, restart or soft reset your iPhone to clear cache and to apply recent software changes.

Then try launching the recently-installed Facebook app on your phone to see if it’s working already. If it’s not, then you’ll  need to eliminate iOS glitches on your phone that hindered the app from working in iOS 13.

Fifth solution: Disable app restrictions on your iPhone

One of the security features embedded into an iPhone and other iOS devices is Parental Controls, otherwise known as Restrictions. Through this feature, you can manage which features, apps and contents are allowed to run or work on your device. This comes in handy especially if your kids have access to your phone. When enabled, this could block certain apps from loading up on your device. To make sure this isn’t what’s halting Facebook app from working on your iPhone 6s Plus, care to check and manage restrictions through settings. Just follow these steps:

  1. Tap Settings from the Home screen.
  2. Then tap on Screen Time.
  3. Select Content & Privacy Restrictions.
  4. Tap Content Restrictions.
  5. Make sure Facebook is listed and enabled under the Allowed Apps section. 

You can also toggle the switch next to Content & Privacy Restrictions to turn off restrictions for all apps. Doing so will lift all app restrictions including Facebook, on your iPhone 6s Plus.

Don’t forget to test-launch Facebook app on your iPhone after making all necessary changes and see if it’s already able to load up and work as intended. If it’s not, then continue to the next method.

Sixth solution: Reset all settings on your iPhone

Settings that are not properly configured, invalid customization of the applications, automatic update override causing conflicts to existing configurations are also among the possible reasons as to why a certain app would suddenly stop working or fail to load from an iOS update. To rule this out, resetting all settings on the phone can help. This will restore the original options and values on your phone, thus allowing you to re-configure individual features thoroughly, from scratch. Just follow these steps to continue:

  1. From the Home screen, tap Settings.
  2. Select General.
  3. Scroll down and tap on Reset.
  4. Select the option to Reset all settings. This will erase all customized options and new settings overrides from the recent update, without affecting your iPhone data.
  5. Enter your device passcode if prompted to continue.
  6. Then tap the option to confirm that you want to reset all settings on your iPhone.

Allow your device to reset settings and then restarts on its own. After it reboots, all settings preferences are restored to original values. Thus, enabling features that are disabled by default would be necessary for you to be able to use them again on your iPhone.

After setting up your Wi-Fi network, reconnect to the Internet and then try launching the Facebook app to see if the problem is fixed.

Is your iPhone 6s Plus Facebook app still not working in iOS 13?

The recent iOS update might have brought in some system changes that caused conflicts to the Facebook application on your phone. For more advanced solutions and troubleshooting methods, you can report the problem to Facebook Support group. Or you can just have it escalated directly to Apple Support so that they can carry out necessary assessments on their end, to determine whether or not the problem is attributed to an iOS 13 Facebook bug.

Unfortunately, there’s not much can be done on your end but to wait until a permanent fix is rolled by either Apple or Facebook app developers.

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