How To Delete iPad Albums And Pictures To Free Up Storage Space

One way to free up some storage space on your iPad is to delete iPad albums but some users get confused, especially the ones who are new to Apple devices, because even after deleting some pictures, the storage is still the same.

The thing is after you delete the pictures, you still have to do one more thing to make sure they’re gone from your iPad’s storage.

That’s what I’m going to show you in this post. So, if you’re one of the iPad owners who might have been confused on how to free up some space on your device, continue reading.

How To Delete iPad Albums And Pictures

Time Needed : 6 minutes

To delete iPad albums, you need the help of the Photos app. This will allow you to manage your pictures and videos. With that said, here’s what you need to do.

  1. From the Home screen, launch Photos.

    Depending on how you set your iPad app, the Photos app may still be on the Home screen.
    delete ipad albums photos

  2. Tap Albums at the bottom of the screen.

    The default view of the app is Photos. If you simply want to delete a photo or two, you can find them easily through that view but if you want to delete an entire album, you have to switch to album view.
    delete ipad albums view

  3. Tap on the album you want to delete and tap Select at the upper-right corner.

    This will allow you to select photos to delete. If you want to delete all of them, tap Select All.
    delete ipad albums choose

  4. Tap the trash bin at the tap of the screen and tap Delete.

    After deleting the photos, go back to the Albums screen.
    delete ipad albums trash bin

  5. Tap See All which can be found on the right side of My Albums.

    You need to do this if you want to delete an entire album and not just some pictures in it.
    delete ipad albums see all

  6. Tap Edit at the upper-right corner of the screen.

    Immediately after doing that, you will see a red circle with a minus sign in it on the Albums you created.
    delete ipad albums edit

  7. Tap the minus sign on the album you want deleted.

    Remember, this will delete the entire album. You will be prompted if you want to continue.
    delete ipad albums minus

  8. Tap Delete.

    This will delete the album. Do the same for all other albums you want to delete. But doing this actually does not delete the pictures
    delete ipad albums delete

  9. When finished, tap Done and then hit Albums on the upper-left corner.

    This will bring you back to the Album view.
    delete ipad albums done

  10. Find Recently Deleted and tap on it.

    You will have to scroll all the way down to find it.
    delete ipad albums recently deleted

  11. Tap Select at the upper-right corner and tap Delete All.

    This will remove the photos from your iPad’s internal storage.
    delete ipad albums recently delete all

  • iPadOS
  • Apple iPad

And that’s how to delete iPad albums and photos you no longer need. I hope this tutorial has been helpful.

Answers To Questions Regarding Album Deletion

At this point, we would like to address some of the questions that were sent to us by our readers.

After I permanently delete my pictures, will they be deleted from iCloud?

If you have enabled iCloud Photos, a backup of each photo may have been uploaded in the cloud, and if that’s the case, then you will have to manually delete them by logging into your iCloud account and accessing your photos.

By default, Optimize iPad Store is enabled and it means that if iCloud Photos is enabled, your device will automatically upload some photos to the cloud, especially if it’s running low on space. So take a little time going through the photos on your iCloud.

I accidentally deleted some pictures, can I still recover them?

It depends. If you haven’t gone through Recently Deleted pictures, it might still be there. To check on this, open Photos and go to Albums. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and tap Recently Deleted. Look for your photos there and if they haven’t been deleted yet, tap Select and select all photos you don’t want deleted. After that, tap Recover.

But if you’ve already deleted the pictures from your iPad but haven’t touched what’s in your iCloud yet, then try finding them there and just download them into your iPad. However, if you’ve deleted those photos from your iPad and iCloud storage, then they’re gone forever.

That’s pretty much it, guys!

ALSO READ: How To Reset Network Settings on iPad

I hope we’ve been helpful enough.

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