iPhone XS Max Instagram app won’t refresh news feed (Couldn’t refresh feed error)


Many iPhone users are wondering what to do with one particularly common Instagram issue: Couldn’t refresh feed error. If you have this issue on your iPhone XS Max, refer to the solutions below.

Before we proceed, we want to remind you that if you are looking for solutions to your own #Android issue, you can contact us by using the link provided at the bottom of this page. When describing your issue, please be as detailed as possible so we can easily pinpoint a relevant solution. If you can, kindly include the exact error messages you are getting to give us an idea where to start. If you have already tried some troubleshooting steps before emailing us, make sure to mention them so we can skip them in our answers.

Problem: iPhone XS Max Instagram won’t refresh news feed

Hi my instagram is not refreshing my news feed is not Working I can see my new friends and likes but not the news feed I restarted my iPhone I deleted and installed the app I reset all my settings and still nothing have no idea what to do.

Solution: There’s a number of possible reasons why Instagram does not refresh its feed. If you keep on getting the Couldn’t refresh feed error, troubleshoot this problem by following our solutions below.

Force quit the app

This should be the first thing that you must do. Force closing an app is often effective in fixing temporary bugs. Apps are designed to follow a certain order or logic so there’s something out of order it can’t resolve it by itself, it may lead to freezing or becoming unresponsive. At other times, it may cause the app to fail to work normally. To see if there’s a temporary bug that prevents it from refreshing the feed, follow the steps below:

  1. From the Home screen, swipe up from the bottom of the screen and pause slightly in the middle of the screen.
  2. Swipe right or left to find the app that you want to close.  
  3. Swipe up on the app’s preview to close the app.

Restart the device

There are many good things a soft reset or restart can do to your iPhone. Aside from giving your device a fresh start, it can also help eliminate minor glitches affecting an app or iOS functions. To restart your iPhone XS Max:

  1. Press and hold the Side button and either the Volume buttons until the slide to power off screen appears.
  2. Drag the slider to turn your iphone x completely off.
  3. After your iPhone turns off, press and hold the Side button again until the Apple logo appears.

Alternatively, you can attempt to force restart your device by doing these steps:

  1. Quickly press and release the Volume Up button.
  2. Then quickly press and release the Volume Down button.
  3. Finally, press and hold the Side button.

Verify Internet is working

In most instances that involves social media apps like Instagram, the root of the problem is connectivity-related. When seeing the Couldn’t refresh feed error, make sure that you check your internet connection right away.

If you rely on mobile data most of the time, make sure that you have excellent signals to ensure that your connection won’t be interrupted. Weak cellular signal translates to intermittent internet connection or slow browsing issue. Slow internet connection can affect the performance of apps that require constant connection to remote servers.

If you noticed that the Instagram Couldn’t refresh feed error appears only when your phone has weak signal, poor internet connection may be to blame.

Limited Mobile data amount

If you noticed that internet connection is slow or Instagram Couldn’t refresh feed error only appears at the end of the month, the problem is probably due to your carrier restricting your mobile data. To fix this issue, you should work with your carrier.

Network issue

Sometimes, unexpected network problems may occur. This is due to reasons only your network operator can explain. You should call your carrier if your connection keeps getting interrupted.

If Instagram Couldn’t refresh feed error only occurs when you are in a crowded place, such as in a concert or game, it’s possible that the network is getting overloaded. If this occurs, what you can do is to simply wait it out.

Update the app

Sometimes, apps may encounter coding bugs that only an update can fix. Make sure that you install updates for your Instagram app.

Re-install Instagram app

Reinstalling a problem app is often  helpful in fixing basic app bugs. Make sure that you delete and add the app back to your device. Just press the hold down the Instagram icon until all icons jiggle with the little x appearing on the upper left. Tap on the little x of Instagram icon and click “Delete” if a message asks whether to delete the app.

Check your account on another device

If the problem remains at this point, you should consider checking your Instagram account on another device, preferably on a computer. Sometimes, inappropriate posts or photos may result to some account limitations, which may not be implemented properly when accessed on your mobile.

Contact app developer

Should none of the troubleshooting steps help at all, you can report the bug to its developer. While this may not result to immediate resolution, doing so will create a ticket that will be used by the developer to keep track of reported bugs.

Engage with us

If you are one of the users who encounters a problem with your device, let us know. We offer solutions for Android-related problems for free so if you have an issue with your Android device, simply fill in the short questionnaire in this link and we will try to publish our answers in the next posts. We cannot guarantee a quick response so if your issue is time sensitive, please find another way to resolve your problem.

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