How To Charge Apple Watch 4


Your Apple Watch 4 is only as good as its battery for it will be useless without power. It’s important that you check the battery level from time to time and charge the watch before the battery is completely depleted. Some users complained having issues charging their Apple Watches after letting them drain their batteries completely. So, avoid this as much as possible. If your watch is at 5% battery level or slightly higher, charge is to avoid complications like some users encountered.

In this post, I will guide you on how to charge your Apple Watch 4 properly so continue reading as this article may be able to help you one way or another especially if you’re new to Apple Watch 4.

How To Charge Apple Watch 4

How to properly charge Apple Watch 4

  1. Take off your watch and handle it carefully.
  2. Plug the Apple Magnetic Charging Cable or Apple Watch Magnetic Charging Dock into its USB power adapter.
  3. Plug the adapter into a power outlet. You can also plug the charging cable into a USB port in your Mac or PC.
  4. Position the back of your Apple Watch on the charger. The magnetic charger will fit right into the back of the Watch and you can see the green bolt if the charging begins.
  5. Allow your Watch to fully-charge and this may take a little while. Your Apple Watch goes into Nightstand mode while charging. To check the charging progress, just tap on the bolt.

I hope that this how-to post has helped you one way or another. Please help us spread the word by sharing this post to your friends or people who may also have similar problems. Thanks for reading!

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